In Service Page 8
Every time she took a new man into her body for the first time, she tried to make sure she grabbed the moment. But this moment had hold of her, not the other way around. He was really large, and it was several strokes before he was fully in. Every hard rock of his hips lit her veins up like laserworks. Every tight breath that glanced off her shoulder tightened her muscles. Every glimpse of his shifting, delineated muscles made the strength she was taking into her body that much harder against her softness. Her thighs spread wider in anticipation of explosive, violent passion. She could taste it, calling to hers…but it never came.
He stared down at her, all business, and fucked her, steady, steady, hard. Fully clothed, he held her forearms above her head so she couldn't hold him, and he took her body with systematic control. What was it about the power in this man? Vel had power, was more powerful actually, in society’s terms. But Shon’s power -- she couldn’t wait to taste the depths of him. He was too rhythmic. It set a torch blazing between her legs. The perfection of his hips striking her clit infuriated her.
His body was in hers, working, steady, heavy. “Malla, I hunger…”
She closed her eyes as she came, her legs stiff with familiar pleasure, lashes fluttering, and gave him her inner light. He accepted it, politely, passively, hips still shoving into her expertly, steadily. She cried out, writhed, and poured more into him, but he just kept pumping, accepting her energy. His power remained hidden, trapped.
Hurt, furious, she curled up to get in his face and hissed, “Drink, you proud bastard.”
And he did, finally. He kissed her, and drank, shaking, moaning into her mouth. The moans didn't sound entirely pleasure-filled. It sounded as if he was being tortured. Still, his rhythm never faltered. He came in her, and she swung her legs around his cloth covered hips, and held him with her thighs, since he wouldn't let her hold him with her arms. She gave him energy through her lips, and through her wrists where he held her and through his dick.
He finally drank himself full and her energy faded away. She covered up her well. He lifted off her, tucked himself back into his pants, and stood, staring down at her sprawled open on his bed.
Malla lay before him, panting. Frustration and confusion swirled. That was it? What was that? That wasn’t what she’d wanted. It wasn’t even close. Sullen, seething, sarcastic taunts pulled at her lips, but she kept them back. He watched her, brooding. A hungering Luo would be afraid of losing control and Shon more than most. He’d just had that close call with Bea. He’ll trust me next time, Malla thought. Next time, I’ll really meet this man.
Shon’s black eyes stared at her, their cum still warm and fragrant on her body. He reached out one large, scarred hand, dusted with dark hair, and touched a gleaming patch of wetness on her thigh. He rubbed it between his finger and thumb, staring at it distantly.
“You’re all right. I didn’t hurt you.”
He didn’t even sound out of breath!
“I’m fine,” she lied.
He nodded. “Malla, next time I’m going to savor you.” His eyes were so black. The black of danger, of wild depths.
Her heart stuttered, faltered, steadied. She softened, sighed. “Yes. That sounds good, Shon.” He wanted her as badly as she wanted him. She knew it wasn’t her imagination. She’d fed him in his perilous hunger, and now he’d feel safer. Next time, Malla would meet the real Shon.
* * * * *
Shon and Vel stood silently in the hangar, watching the docking procedure go out in reverse. Bea was gone. He sent a prayer for her safe journey, that the Duke would think her departure enough of a blow to the team, and ignore her.
Vel stood in that eerily still way he had. “We have to guard Malla closer than
Shon grunted. “Closer than stardust.”
“Closer than the Spirit made flesh.”
Shon felt the hairs on the back of his neck stir. The description was perfect for Malla.
He glanced at Vel. Those gray eyes glinted at him. They nodded to each other. Malla was part of all their hearts, after only a second round of service. She seemed to read each of them dead-on. Although Shon noticed she was most careful, reserved, around him. Especially since the last time he’d taken her. Since he’d explained that she’d never really taste his passion.
Then his dick stirred. Spirit. He was like some teenage perv just thinking about her.
Don’t think about her. Don’t remember. Just take her as she comes. He would take her cum.
Take her as a server. She was probably feeding Kor right now.
He remembered walking into the mess to see Kor banging against her round bottom. It had glowed red, the imprint of a spatula clear on one cheek. She was draped face down on a table, with dishes and food scattered over the floor around them. Her robe was up around her waist, and Kor worked her hard, watching where he shuttled in and out of her. The wet, slapping, sucking noise of them had made his own dick stand at attention.
All he wanted to do was walk around to the front of the table. Undo his pants. Feed her his cock. He knew she’d do it. He wasn’t sure how Kor would act, but he knew, to his toes, Malla would love it. When he’d savored her the second time, she’d been wild under him, demanding, so -- Stop it. Don’t remember. You’ll get crazy.
“What’s next? I need to hear more details about the hunt.” Vel led the way as they left the hangar.
They all referred to the plan to get the Duke as the hunt. “The humans take the gate in an hour. We need to meet, together, face to face, when Grady joins us.”
“Sounds good.”
When he and Vel entered the lounge, he stopped dead. Kor was sitting on the couch, and Malla was riding him. Ah. Yeah, they were beautiful. He palmed his aching dick through his pants. Kor was definitely inviting him in this time. Servers who were taken in the lounge were fair game. It was their team rule. It had been a long time since any of them had indulged in a shared session. When was the last time? When they’d first arrived, hadn’t Vel and Grady done Trina? Yeah. He and Kor had just watched.
Vel finished securing the door from the inside. He frowned at the couple. “Kor. Does she know?”
Vel had gotten very protective of Malla. Shon thought it was more than the expediency of her being their sole source. It was highly irregular of the man, who was usually excruciatingly formal and polite with their servers.
Malla turned her head. Her loose hair was everywhere. Gorgeous. It stuck to her
flushed face. She licked her lips, her body bouncing as Kor drove up into her. Her hands were braced on the couch back behind him.
“Yeah, I know, Vel. Watch or join. We don’t mind.” Her voice was breathy, her tits bouncing through the curtain of her hair.
“Oh, Grady is going to be pissed.” Vel pulled off his shirt, while Shon just opened his pants and stepped up to her. He was going to finish his earlier vision. Gripping her hair at the nape of her neck, he directed her to his dick. For the first time, that tiny mouth opened and swallowed his tip. He almost came right down her throat. A rough growl tore from his throat.
Her tongue flicked at him, then Kor slammed her, and her lips pulled at him, her teeth glancing off his length. She looked up at him through her lashes, those brown eyes deep and soft.
Yeah, this was going to be over quick. He tightened his grip in her hair.
“Shon! She’s trying to break me in half down here. She really likes whatever you just did. Do it again.”
Vel knelt between Kor’s knees. With them on the couch and him on the floor, her ass was at his chest level. He smoothed those long fingered hands up her spine, around to cup her breasts.
“Ah, Malla. You have really nice tits. I love how heavy they are.” Vel’s voice was smooth, cultured. Like he was complimenting her dress at a cocktail party.
Shon watched him lift her breasts, saw him roll her nipples in a crushing pinch, then work her in long, stretching pulls. Vel smoothed her hair away from them, and did it again.
sp; It was beautiful to watch the gates on Vel’s face fall away and see his real friend bare his passion.
“Fuck, she likes that, too.” Kor definitely sounded out of breath. Or half strangled.
Kor was taking her hard, but Malla took Shon deeper into her mouth. Her teeth bit at Shon’s dick, even though he knew she was trying to keep them away. He was just too wide, and her mouth too small, to avoid them with Kor’s harsh movements.
Vel rubbed her breasts together, palmed her nipples. Then he pulled her back against him, angling her away from Kor, so she was arched, leaning against his shoulder. Shon almost came from the beautiful image of her as a living bridge between Vel and Kor. Her hair was a dark cascade that stuck to Vel’s back, and Kor’s tanned hands were stark on her hips.
Shon had to adjust his stance, angle his dick so he could keep feeding it to her. Her face was lower now, and tipped up at him. After their adjustment settled, all three men’s eyes went straight to her spread cunt, where Kor’s shining erection slid and probed.
Vel sighed happily, rotating her breasts. “Spirit, that’s lovely.”
Malla sealed Shon against the roof of her mouth and swallowed, making the top of Shon’s scalp feel as if it were about to peel off. Then she pulled her head away. Malla reached one hand behind her head and grabbed Vel’s hair. With the other she took Shon’s wet length in a tight grip. She used him as a brace as Kor pinned her hips down and ground around in her.
“Ahhhhh!” she cried in a low, needy wail.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“Yes, lovely, yes.”
“Malla!” Shon’s voice called to her over the others. Those brown eyes opened and met his.
Her head lay on Vel’s shoulder, her body claimed between Vel and Kor, but Shon had her eyes. Pleasure washed through him, taking his breath. They came together, his cum landing across her chest in white stripes. Out of nowhere, his Fury stirred at the sight. He ripped from her hold and staggered back to collapse on the couch, her energy buzzing through his balls, weakening his knees.
Vel eventually tipped her forward, laying her on Kor, who held her. Vel wiped his hands on his thighs. “By Spirit, it’s like I’ve just had my full turn. I’m absolutely sizzling.”
Kor moaned, gathering her closer, his spread thighs shifting restlessly. Shon imagined she was still coming around his softening dick, her inner muscles taunting him. Her lower back was splashed with Vel’s cream. The thought that Vel hadn’t taken her ass pleased him.
Then Vel’s words penetrated his brain. He checked his internal gauge. He was at full.
True, he’d only just fed from her two shifts ago. He hadn’t done anything much beyond a simple workout and some focused correspondence regarding the hunt. But he was absolutely revved. Topped off and raring to go. And he hadn’t even stayed through her whole orgasm.
He looked at Vel, stunned. He looked at Kor, who met Shon’s eyes while kissing her neck.
“I thought so,” Kor said hoarsely.
The men sat in silence for a moment.
“Malla?” Kor asked.
“Yeah?” Her voice was as hoarse as his.
“How are you feeling, baby? Are you sleepy?”
She stirred. Her smooth curves surrounded by Kor’s chiseled arms looked right. “Not really. I’m relaxed. I need a shower. But I’m good, energy-wise.”
Malla looked over her shoulder at Shon, that little furrow between her brows. Her lips were bright red, puffy. Because he’d stuffed his dick between them.
Vel eased over into her line of sight. “Did they teach you about harmony in your training?”
“It came up in a few lectures. There have been tales.”
“It’s not a myth. It’s the greatest prize Luo dream of,” Shon said.
“Are you saying that instead of portioning out my energy among you, you were all able to drink? Fully? I served you all at once? That’s not possible.”
“Well, it’s looking pretty fucktastically real, lady,” Kor answered.
Malla laughed up at Kor. “Fucktastic? That’s a great word!”
“When your dick is as great as mine, you can use words like that.”
Vel supplied the snort that statement needed. Malla laughed, an open sound that made everyone smile.
“But how did this happen? It hasn’t happened before, during any of my training.”
“I’m not sure,” Shon said. His heart was still beating hard. Maybe it’s because you really do belong to us. “But you did just endure a powerful healing ritual where your power was stretched.”
“This is wonderful! Instead of feeding just one man through an orgasm, anyone who’s touching me can drink. Can I make you stronger?”
Vel explained. “It’s not really how strong you can make us. That’s based on our
abilities. Harmony relates to how often you can feed us, and how completely. It would change how we pace our missions.”
Malla looked at Shon. “I can help? On missions?”
Shon frowned. “You wouldn’t go on missions with us. But instead of having to wait a day for everyone to feed back up to full power, with you feeding each of us in turn once every six hours, now we can all be fed in one shift. Our missions have stages, and these are usually controlled by how much energy we can expend before we have to return to our servers. You’ve just really changed up our potential timeline. It would be a huge advantage.”
Kor smoothed her hair around one ear, kissed her gently. “You’re a feast, Malla. A gourmet, four-course feast. With dessert thrown in as a bonus.”
“Can dessert go get a shower?”
Vel helped her off Kor, steadied her as she tested her knees. He brought his hand up to hold her face and kissed her deeply, until she moaned. Then he set her back and she left the room. Her body gleamed with their cum.
Vel looked at Shon. “We guard her.”
He nodded, just as determined. “We’re keeping her.”
Chapter Six
Ten hours later, Malla had tasted all her men again. This time without life or death consequences or the agitation of Luo hunger. It was some of the best sex of her life. Kor had taken her permission to heart. He was open and simple in his pleasure. Not that it was easy being loved by him. He was the most passionate lover she'd ever had. They'd christened the kitchen, and he’d told her of their habit of sharing in the living area. With shy excitement, he’d asked if she wanted to join him there soon, knowing that whoever else walked in would be invited to join. She’d said yes, and that had led to another passionate encounter. They hadn’t quite made it to the bed.
Her only experience solo with Vel had been one of exquisite, drawn-out pleasure, as he studied her, learned her, played her. He hadn't wanted any talk, just sensation, as he took her over with a leisure that bordered on torture. It had been worth it when he let her see the man underneath his control, even underneath the cool Prince. Bossy and protective and so very in need of tenderness and trust. She gave him both.
During her second time solo with Grady, he had put her on top of him and let her control the sex. He seemed to be most relaxed when she directed him. Vel had watched. She and Grady had known their sex was as much for Vel as for them. Feeling his appreciation was amazing.
However, she still hadn't really had him. Shon was utterly closed off. He was afraid of himself, and he didn't trust her. Oh, he trusted her to a degree. He'd gorged deep enough their first time. Then, she’d gone to him with a hopeful heart, so naive…and been played like a trancetar. She made excuses. She thought she’d wait until he wasn’t so on edge. She thought she had the answers, Malla, the Elite wonder-server who knew all. Her first time had left her feeling uneasy.
Her second time had left her reeling between frustration and despair. His room had been darkened. Already nude, he’d been a study in muscle and grace. Gentle, intent, his hands on her body were a relentless joy. He controlled her but held himself back. She snarled and begged and taunted, but all she got was
proof of just how skilled a lover he was.
Then, finally, he fucked her hard, deep and strong, so unbelievably thick he burned the sensitive skin where he stretched her vagina. He drank, but his passion never really erupted.
Afterwards, she hadn't held back her words. It was insulting. It felt degrading, like she was some commodity to be used.
“I don't know what your prior servers did when you gave them half of yourself like that, but I'm not going to stand for it.” She pushed viciously at his shoulder, squirming away from under him as soon as his pull on her energy slackened.
“Malla, don't.” They were both panting from exertion, from the pure spiking beauty of the last orgasm. He tried to pull her into his body, gorgeously golden and honed into a living weapon.
She batted at him, furious. “You ass! Am I supposed to be thankful you took your clothes off this time?”
“Malla, I know you came deep. We were good together. Why are you so angry?” His
brows drew together.
That really pissed her off. “Because I deserve more! That wasn't the real you! That was some tame, controlled, careful you. I’m not glass, Shon! Nor am I a convenient whore. I'm a woman, and I want you, and you're holding out. It's rude.”
He scowled, propping his head in his hand as she scrambled out from under him
finally. Or rather, he finally let her go. “I wasn't gentle. I worked us hard. And don’t ever insinuate I think you’re a whore again.”
“Pfft. I work myself harder when I masturbate. That wasn't honest sex with a man.
That was an Elite Luo team leader giving a respectful go at his server.” She struggled into her robe as an excuse to stay in the room and keep arguing.
“I’ve never known a server to object that I wasn’t passionate enough. Some asked me to be more controlled, actually. I honor the professional relationship between server and Luo.”
The honest confusion in his voice tempered her indignant anger.
Crossing her arms, she lifted her chin. “Well, I’m not them. I can’t even imagine being so cold as to close out the truth of a lover I’m bound to provide for. This isn’t a business arrangement for me. I’m presenting all of myself to you, and you’re holding yourself away.